My Old Friend

More fan art everyone! The dreaded details and perspective consumed some extra time on this one, but overall, it turned out fairly well I think. Please take a look!

Also, for any of you that are in the Kitsap County area here in Washington, I will be selling artwork at the first annual GamCon on July 5th and 6th. It is being held at the Kitsap Convention Center near the ferry terminal. If you’re in the area, please stop in and say hi!

Hope all is well with everyone…

EG Claunch



A Father and His Sons

A Father and His Sons

The next installment for my series of fan art. The many characters that make up the Batman Universe are some of my favorites by far. My thanks to all the people who have made Gotham City what it is today. You have provided me with a countless amount of entertainment, suspense, and thought. I hope you all enjoy!

The Fett Man

BobaFettFinal BobaFettFinalLine


I’m going to be doing a small string of fan art, and I thought I would get started with one of my favorite fictional characters of all time, Boba Fett. I’m quite confident that he is in everyone’s top five. And if he is not, sit down and watch Star Wars again. In a world filled with Jedi and Sith, he is essentially the Batman of superheroes and heroines.

I decided to throw my initial sketch over the final piece to give it a “Borderlands-esque” style and keep it a bit more loose and spontaneous. I also included the final version by itself. Let me know which you like more!